Saturday, June 19, 2010

From the Prairies to the Canadian Shield

Dear Friends,

How does that 'ol country tune, go?..."Back in the saddle again..." Back on the saddle again is more like it. Got back home to celebrate my Mom's 90th - a wonderful time. I think she really enjoyed herself, I know I did! I landed back in Winnipeg in the rain but the next morning was beautiful and I rode to Hadashville, then Kenora on Sunday and here to Vermilion Bay, today. I kind of miss the prairies, they seemed so open and was easier to anticipate what was going to happen weather wise. At first I felt a little intimidated by it's vast openness but I got used to it. Today I was faced with a lot of hill work but not like the extremes of B.C.

In Winnipeg, I was hosted by Lee and Wayne Anderson who were remarkably generous with their home so I publicly thank them for their kindness. In Kenora, I was hosted by Jennifer Finlay and Tim Wehner so a thanks to you both as well. I am struck by the kindness of folks I've met along the way and I'm most grateful. speaking of folks you meet...I was finishing a plate of cabbage rolls at Sophie's Cafe in Hadashville when I encountered a fellow who seemed interested in the particulars of my bike trip. As we chatted, I felt that I had met him before but how could this be, I've never been in this neck of the woods before. It turned out that he and Deanna, his wife were one of the two couples who were selected for the History Channel series, Pioneer Challenge, a few years ago. They were given supplies that settlers of over 100 years ago would have had to survive with on the prairie for at least a year. It was a remarkable series and I am so glad that I had an opportunity to meet them. Interesting things happen when traveling.

I have a fairly challenging ride tomorrow so I'll sign off shortly but not without commenting on the voracity of Deer Flies..they are the jetfighter pilots of the insect world and their central strategy is to dive bomb you from all angles until you crack. I have been practicing "on bike" meditation to ignore their antics and as long as you are moving, they seldom land and bite. I was moving at 25 km/h and they were flying ahead of me and making tight turns to buzz me. Maybe I should think of them as Dolphins playing in my bow wave, but really, it doesn't feel that endearing, or should I say, en-deering. Locals suggest rubbing lemon on your clothes, etc. so I'll give this a try. When you experience lemons, you might as well make lemon-ade.
This is the lemon twist to my story today.

Bye for now,


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